World of 7 Billion Org Video Contest

Impacts on climate

Nowadays, Climate change is the big issue in our society, that every country around the world are dealing with it. Climate change happen, because of deforestation that cause by human. Deforestation caused by cutting tree down and used lot of fossil fuel, reduce density of Earth’s outermost atmosphere.

  • increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.
  • In the past, some scientists thought that changes to the climate were just part of the Earth’s natural climate cycle. Today, most climate experts believe that human activity is the major cause of climate change.
  • These atmospheric gases are very important, first it let the sun heat to pass through to the Earth, and then they trap some of that heat.
  • The main gases that act in this way are carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and methane, and so they are known as ‘greenhouse gases.
  • The greenhouse effect maintains the temperature of the Earth as we now know it.
  • Without this natural process the temperature on Earth would be freeze.

Rising sea levels

The weather is not the only thing climate change will impact: rising sea levels will erode coasts and cause more frequent coastal flooding.


Warmer temperatures have already shifted the growing season in many parts of the globe. This change in the growing season affects the broader ecosystem.

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