Environmental movement and NGO

setting the scene
the modern environmental originated during 1960s. During that period of time people were concerned about the environment long before the 1960s.Which was also supported by the roman centuries. Late 14th century mid 16th centuries, waste that were produced by human spreads disease in Europe

Ecocentric worldview : a life centered view which respects the rights of nature and dependence of humans on nature so has a holistic view of life which is earth-centred

Anthropocentric / technocentric worldview – human centred in which humans are not dependent on nature but use it to benefit the humankind.

Cornucopians – people who see the world as having infinite resources to benefit humanity.

Environmental managers have stewardship worldview. They have an ethical duty to protect and nurture the Earth. They may need to compensate those who suffer from environmental degradation and the state has a duty to intervene.

Communism and capitalism in Germany:

Communism claimed that their system could produce more wealth than capitalism and distribute it more evenly, solving issues including environmental degradation.
Capitalism would clean up the industry but not clear the pollution
Communist protected the interests of primary producers

Native American environmental worldview:

They are communal, have subsistence economy, barter for goods rather than use money, and use low-impact technologies
They made decisions through democratic process

The modern Western worldview:

They believe in separation of spirit and matter or body and soul and a notion of mastery or power over Earth.
Anthropocentric views; Genesis 1:28 – “replenish the earth, subdue it; and have dominion over it”

Buddhism’s environmental worldview:

Buddhists believe that all sentient beings share the conditions of birth, old age, suffering and death and that every living things in the world is co-dependent.
Humans cannot be more important that other living things

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