cycle cell and mitosis and miosis

3 thing midterm

1 what is photosynthesis
2what thing photosynthesis use with
3 what we need to do photosynthesis
4 if no photosynthesis or no sun what will happen
5 what is chlorophylls
Cell cycle
1 how it work
2 different plant cell cycle and our cell
3 what dose it use to make cell cycle
4 how many step in the cell cycle
5 if the cell not cycle what will happen
1 how plant do respiration
2 what we need to do respiration
3 if we do respiration somewhere else on our body what will happen
4 can we make nonliving do respiration
5 can we don’t do respiration and live

1) Apple=a fruit that we can eat and it have red color
2) doctor=is a job that help people from drying
3) Car=is a nonliving that use fuel to move and people use it
4) Computer= is a nonliving that human make and using energy and use to work and play games
5)chair= is a thing that make from tree and make it shape for human to sit

1) Water h20 liquid that from river or sea and we clear it so we can drink (Correct)
2) Energy an energy that we make from our protein use to attractive (wrong)
3) Bond make from protein and use to make in connect (wrong)

the first cycle get cancel when it get bigger (correct)
the second cycle get cancer when their are too.much protein (correct)
the third cycle get cancer when it get smaller (correct)

SCORE: 4/6 Checked by: Esther

46 Chromosomes

step 1 open the back= open the nuclear envelope
step 2 take out sweet= the Chromosomes appear
step 3 arrange the sweet in pair= arrange the chromosomes in pair
step 4 separate apair= separate apair
step 5 put sweet in two back= rape them back up in the nuclear envelope

stage 1 interphase have 46 chromosome in the nuclear envelop
stage 2 prophase
stage 3 metaphase have centrioles and spindle fiber stick to chromosome
stage 4 Anaphase spindle fiber pull chromatid apart
stage 5 telophase create new nuclear envelop cover the chromosome

centrioles = protein use to pull chromosome
spindle fiber = the link use to stick the chromosome
chromosomes = price of DNA
nuclear envelop = something use to be a shell or cover chromosome
chromatid = 92 chromosome


somatic do mitosis with turn
the daughter identisis to mother
germ cell the one make spam and egg

pemat twine
we do pemat twin so we end up 4 daughter cell but different

1 the check point have move so ever
2 in mete face 1 of Meiosis pair lineup
3 in mates face 1 we spite pair of chromosome not
anaphase2 we sprite chromatid
anaphase 1
3 thing in Maoists unit
the law of segregation separate
the law of homologous
homologous mean the same
the law of independent assortment
crossing over
law of independent


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